Executive Management Review

Advancing services, performance and results
In year 2022, INSB Class continued to record consistent overall growth and market recognition by displaying factual quality and performance results coupled with increased survey activity across the shipping, yachting and offshore segments.
It was also the year that saw INSB Class become part of the group of high-performing organizations at the European Port State Control regime for the triennial term of 2020-2022.
By offering a comprehensive range of marine solutions that focus on risk reduction, performance improvement, and sustainable development throughout the year, INSB Class further enhanced its profile and presence as a valuable partner for its clients. Our collective commitment for the delivery of prompt reliable service and drive to go beyond regulatory compliance, emanated an increased overall survey activity and fleet evolution.
WE REMAINED ON SCHEDULE WITH OUR CORPORATE STRATEGIC PRIORITIES AND OPERATIONAL GOALS THROUGHOUT 2022. Our objectives for advancing the organization’s established position, elevating our brand, and expanding ship classification and certification activities received high energy and boost. With an eye on innovative shipping trends and forthcoming new regulations, we opted for adopting a series of best practices as implemented by larger organizations with comparable tasks when deploying and updating our inspection scheme.
THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF THE YEAR, INSB CLASS WAS ABLE TO FURTHER INCREASE ITS REPUTATION AND PRESENCE AS AN ADVANTAGEOUS PARTNER for the companies that it serves by providing a broad variety of marine solutions that focused on risk reduction, performance improvement, and sustainable development. Our collective dedication to provide timely and reliable service, as well as, our drive to go beyond what is required by regulatory compliance, has resulted in an increased total survey activity of 3943 assignments and a +14.3% increase when compared to year 2021 figures.
At the end of year 2022, our total fleet count reflected 4851 vessels of various types and trades in our register, marking a year-to-year growth by +3.9% when compared to the year 2021 and resulting to a slightly increased aggregate tonnage of 3.4Mgt.
DURING THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW, OUR NEWBUILDING ACTIVITY WAS BOLSTERED BY AN EXPANDING ORDER BOOK for new constructions assignments originating from the Greek market. A total of 92 new building supervision assignments were entrusted to INSB Class, 55 of which received initial certification within the year 2022, while the supervision of the remaining projects was ongoing, with delivery completion anticipated within the year 2023.
BY PERFORMING RO FUNCTIONS ON BEHALF OF FLAG STATES, WE CONTRIBUTE TO THE OVERALL SAFETY, EFFICIENCY, AND RELIABILITY OF THE GLOBAL MARITIME INDUSTRY. Our dedication to upholding international conventions and codes helps maintain uniformity and consistency in the implementation of maritime regulations across different jurisdictions. In 2022, as part of our government-delegated functions, we continued to work closely with flag states and expanded our corporate global flag state recognition so that we could offer our clients more options for surveying and providing statutory-related services. The newly attained flag authorizations by the San Marino Ship Registry and the International Ship Registry of Guinea-Bissau enhance further the growing trust and confidence that INSB Class enjoyed in the past year by governmental authorities.
By the end of 2022, 40 Flag Administrations had granted INSB Class RO status, demonstrating increased cooperation and confidence in our statutory survey and certification services.
OUR FLEET’S OVERALL QUALITY PERFORMANCE REMAINED A CORPORATE PRIORITY AND A CONSTANT OBJECTIVE. Our achieved performance rankings, as reflected in the published reports by the principal Port State Control Inspection Regimes, validated our unwavering dedication to safe and quality shipping. Specifically in the European region of the Paris MoU, INSB Class ranked as the tenth best performing organization out of the thirty-two listed, with an enabling quality excess factor of -0.63.
MEGATRENDS AND FUNDAMENTAL SHIFTS IN THE INDUSTRY PRODUCE A DYNAMIC AND HIGHLY ENGAGING ENVIRONMENT FOR MARITIME STAKEHOLDERS. Throughout year 2022, INSB Class remained extrovert and engaging by actively participating in and attended numerous maritime conferences and events in an effort to remain vigilant and dynamically positioned with regard to new regulations implementation, technological shifts, and relationship building.
As always, the management team at INSB Class would like to thank all of its members and associates, as well as its loyal customers and other stakeholders, for another year of continued trust in our accredited services throughout 2022.
WE REMAIN COMMITTED TO SUPPORTING OUR GLOBAL CUSTOMER BASE, expanding our presence in key market regions, and enhancing our digital capabilities to satisfy the evolving needs of the marine industry moving forward. As we seek to exceed expectations and contribute to safety, security, and environmental protection, our dedication to quality, dependable technical offerings, and a strong client-centric approach will continue to guide our future endeavours.